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Metric Halo :: Hardware Upgrades :: LIO-8 4 Channel (1-4) ULN-R Preamp Kit

LIO-8 4 Channel (1-4) ULN-R Preamp Kit

Item code 003-11013/16
Shipping Weight 2.00 lbs
Shipping Status This item ships 2 to 3 days from receipt of your order

Price: $565.00


Quantity:  2-4 Items  5+ Items 
Price: $565.00 $565.00

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LIO-8 4 Channel (1-4) ULN-R Preamp Kit  

This Kit adds channels 1-4 of ULN-R preamps and an 8 channel DB-25 Input connector board to an existing LIO-8. These are the same preamps as used in the ULN-8.

Mic Pre Input + ADC
Input Impedance 3.3 kΩ
Dynamic Range (-60 dB, flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dB
Dynamic Range (-60 dB, A-weighted, typ) 118 dB
Noise Floor (flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dB
Noise Floor (A-weighted, typ) 117.9 dB
Gain Range -22 dB to +91.5 dB
Gain Precision ±0.05 dB
Gain Step 0.5 dB
THD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS 0.0007 %
THD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS +12 dB Gain 0.0015 %
THD D/A/A/D loop @ -0 dBFS 0.0023 %
Crosstalk @ 1kHz -110dB
IMD 1k component (19 kHz/20kHz @ +8dBu) -104 dBu
EIN @ 60 dB Gain (150Ω Source Impedance) -130.50 dBu
EIN @ 60 dB Gain (0Ω Source Impedance) -133.25 dBu
Analog Send Calibration (ADC = 0 dBFS) +21.5 dBu
Phantom Power (Switchable Per Channel) +48 Volts
Mic Pre + ADC Frequency Response
+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 8.9 Hz - 20.5 kHz
+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 2.9 Hz - 21.0 kHz
+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 43.9 kHz
+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 45.4 kHz
+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 42.1 kHz
+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 64.7 kHz
5° low-end in-channel phase deviation point 20.0 Hz
Interchannel phase 0 Hz - 20 kHz < ±0.05°
Crosstalk from SMPTE Input < -142 dB


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