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Metric Halo :: Legacy Plugin Software :: MH TransientControl

MH TransientControl
Item code TransCon
Shipping Status Ships via download (licensed via iLok)
Price: $89.00


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Price: $89.00 $89.00

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MH TransientControl  


TransientControl is a plug-in that allows you to modify dynamics in ways that aren't possible with traditional compressors. You can directly change the transient ("attack") and sustain of your audio; this allows you to make your tracks more punchy, or smooth them out so they sit in a mix.

Click for In-Foo: MH TransientControl

TransientControl features a UI with 3 views:

  • Basic: Provides access to the Transient, Sustain and Gain controls as well as the input meter.
  • Basic w/Process Meter: As above, with the addition of a meter that allows you to see the activity of the plug-in.
  • Advanced w/Process Meter: This view adds access to the advanced controls of the transient and sustain detectors.

TransientControl is not a compressor, but is a new class of dynamics control. It allows you to adjust the transient and sustain of your signal based on sophisticated envelope detectors, instead of level. TransientControl can help you raise the "snap" of a snare hit without increasing the overall level, or tone down the pick attack of a bass track to smooth it out.

TransientControl's unique user interface gives you three levels of control, from basic "more/less" knobs to complete tweak-ability of the envelope detectors for exact control or special effects.

TC has a very low DSP usage, so you can put it on every track of a multimic'd drum kit without worrying about running out of DSP or CPU.

For more information about how TransientControl does its magic check out the Transient Control Product Page.

Software requirements:

  • Pro Tools AAX (DSP + Native) for Macintosh: Pro Tools 10 or newer, Mac OS 10.6.8 or newer and iLok account
  • Pro Tools AAX (DSP + Native) for Windows: Pro Tools 10 or newer, Windows 7 or newer and iLok account
  • Audio Units for Macintosh: Any Audio Unit host, Mac OS 10.6.8 or newer (Intel, 32-bit and 64-bit) and iLok account
  • VST for Macintosh: Any VST host, Mac OS 10.6.8 or newer (Intel, 32-bit and 64-bit) and iLok account
  • VST for Windows: Any VST host, Windows 7 or newer and iLok account

Licensing Requirements: All of these software licenses are delivered via iLok.com. You may install your license on either your computer or on an iLok Smart Key Dongle. iLok dongle is not included with software purchase, and is not required for use of the software.

Once you deposit the iLok license into your iLok account there will be a $10.00 restocking fee for returns. Please verify that this product suits your needs before purchasing it by taking advantage of our Free 30-day demo available at the:

Metric Halo Demo Central Station



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