The World’s Best Audio Interfaces Just Keep Getting Better!

Customizable Mixing, Processing & So Much More…

Introducing the 2d Card and MIO Console 5 for Mobile I/O

The 2d Card is a massive hardware upgrade for Mobile I/O which is included in all currently shipping hardware models (also known as "Expanded" units), and is available as an upgrade for all older interfaces (known as "Legacy" units). The 2d Card greatly enhances the DSP processing power of the Mobile I/O, adds a brand new ADAT implementation and also improves the clock of any unit into which it is installed. Read on to see how the 2d Card improves your Mobile I/O…
Future Proof
In 2001 we introduced the Mobile I/O 2882 and called it “Future Proof”. Seven years later, while the competition has obsoleted multiple generations of products, the 2882 is still arguably the best FireWire interface available on the market. In 2003, we released the ULN-2, with the finest preamps available in any interface, then or now. With the release of the 2d Card and v.5, we deliver yet again on our commitment to making “Future Proof” products that stand the test of time.
“My MIO 2882+DSP is the only piece of digital hardware I have ever owned that is more useful today than it was when I bought it.”
— John CurleyUltrasuede Studio
“…Our MIOs are the only digital hardware or software we have that’s actually gotten better since purchase. Pro Tools Mix systems purchased in 2001 won’t run at all on new Intel Macs, or even on old Macs running Tiger, the last version of OS X before Leopard. My 2882+DSP, purchased that same year, not only works on the latest Macs, it still sounds as good as our HD rigs (which is to say a lot better than the old 888/24s).
Version after version, the MIOs have gained features and functionality. With 2d, a seven year old 2882+DSP is more powerful than the day it was built. With Console v.5, all MIOs are more flexible and easier to use. A digital miracle!”
— Dave DavisMedia Designer & Mastering Engineer
Sound Images
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“When the 2882 was introduced over eight years ago, Metric Halo had plans for its future. Well before it was fashionable to go Green, MH had built-in expandability without asking you to buy a whole new interface. The original 2882 is still ahead of its time. Now you pop in the 2d Board and you get the best sounding, most powerful, most flexible Firewire audio product ever shipped. The new console is absolutely amazing and Character is worth the price of admission alone. It's not an upgrade, it's a rebirth.”
— Marc SchonbrunGuitarist - Author - Music Technology Educator
“When I first had the resources to purchase serious recording gear, I did an unbelievable amount of research, knowing that it might be my last chance to do so, and I’d have to live with my decision. 5 years later, without doubt, my decision to purchase my Metric Halo MIOs was the best equipment purchasing decision I've ever made.
The sound and quality of my original Mobile I/Os still matches or surpasses that of equipment many times more expensive that is being released today, and their routing flexibility is unparalleled.
The addition of 2d and the v.5 software is just one more example in a long line of them, from a company who continues to add value to its existing product lines and user base. This is in stark contrast to the usual industry practice of letting those things languish and die to push out more new product that isn’t necessarily an improvement. It’s safe to say that the new 2d technology and v.5 software make me the fastest car on the block, and I thought I already was.”
— David WilcockOwner, Tacklebox Music
“The best just got a whole lot better.
With a bewildering selection of FireWire interfaces now on the market, my original investment in Metric Halo hardware and software has paid off big-time: eight years after my original purchase of my first 2882+DSP, MH has delivered a combined software and hardware upgrade that redefines the genre… Unlike most other hardware that loses its value over time, my Metric Halo boxes are worth more to me now than when I first bought them.
Some of the best things improve with age and this is certainly true of my Metric Halo interfaces… Now, with the v.5 software and the retrofit hardware upgrade, I’ve effectively gained a whole new unit…
Some of my less-enlightened colleagues have had to upgrade their hardware two or three times in order to keep up with new releases from other manufacturers, often seeing the resale value of their old systems drop through the floor. I’ve never needed to play that game and I can’t emphasise enough how happy that makes me…
What’s astounding is that the functionality of the Metric Halo boxes has increased over the years that I’ve owned them: other manufacturers have constantly brought out new versions of their interfaces and the resale value of the old ones plummets. Metric Halo has constantly upgraded system performance via free software upgrades and now, with a reasonably-priced hardware add-on, arguably presents long-term users with a whole new interface. I can’t think of many other manufacturers who treat their customers so well.”
— John LeonardTheatre Sound & Show Control
Sound & Show Control
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“When I received my MIO 2882+DSP seven years ago it soon became my most used, most useful piece of gear. Since upgrading to 2d it has become even more useful to me. I know of no other box that has increased in it's intrinsic value over 7 years!
…If my laptop, or external synth module, or FX box, or keyboard controller broke or was stolen I would replace them with the latest equivalent with better features or upgraded sound or a faster processor. If my MIO suffered the same fate I would immediately get a new one, exactly the same model at full list price if necessary. There is no equivalent, and nothing out there that can do even a fraction of what my MIO does, and does elegantly.”
— Steve Hilmycomposer, performer, music professor
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“…With so many audio hardware and software companies following the ‘planned obsolescence’ business model, it’s refreshing to find a company like Metric Halo that believes in supporting their products for the long run. With the v.5/2d update, I feel I have the equivalent of a brand new interface with tons of new functionality for about the same cost as the upgrade fee for most of my plug-ins!…”
— Jerry SchroederRead More…
“…Once the 2d Card is installed into a unit — even one that may be several years old — it becomes effectively a new unit. I think to give us all the opportunity to upgrade our units in this way is an amazingly generous move by Metric Halo, and shows just how classy a company they are, the value, the service, the technology is way above the rest, there is no other company that gives me the sense of security and reliability that Metric Halo does…”
— Rico SergeantSinger Songwriter
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While other manufacturers churn you with the special of the day, we build products that preserve your investment and deliver for you year after year and project after project. It is our philosophy and we take it seriously.
Simultaneously Simpler to Use and More Powerful than v.4

2d and version 5 support the configuration of custom mixers which can be streamlined to the specific task you need to accomplish. Create a mixer with all the features you need and none that you don’t. We’ve included many templates get you started quickly, and a new direct insert and routing model lets you visualize the configuration you need, and implement it directly from the mixer.
Five times increase in DSP power compared to original Mobile I/O

The 2d Card supercharges your Mobile I/O, allowing you to create complex mixers and processing with DSP to spare. With full support for all sample-rates and flexible multibus routing, you can make your 2d Expanded Mobile I/O do anything you can think of — including multiple cue busses with deep DSP zero-latency processing.
All new ADAT implementation with switchable TOSLINK support

The 2d Card includes an all-new, rock-solid ADAT implementation with switchable support for Optical S/PDIF. This means that 2882 Expanded units now have support for Optical S/PDIF as well as ADAT, and ULN-2 Expanded units gain eight additional channels of I/O!
Grammy Award winning Mastering Engineer and Producer
New v.5 Mixer

The heart of the 2d Card, the new v.5 Mixer is a completely customizable mixing engine. You can create custom mixers either from scratch or start with any of the templates we've included to get you started quickly. With the v.5 Mixer, your 2882 or ULN-2 can be a mastering console in the morning, a tracking console in the afternoon, and a live sound mixer/recorder in the evening. Whatever the application, you can configure an elegant custom setup.

Latency-Free, Time-Aligned Mixing Architecture

The v.5 Mixer is based upon the +DSP graph technology originally designed for +DSP. With the 2d Card, we have created the concept of an Übergraph. The Übergraph is an internal +DSP graph that represents the entirety of the Mobile I/O, including the 2d DSP, all the physical I/O, and the FireWire I/O. Since the +DSP graph provides infinite routing and multing capabilities with integrated latency compensation, the addition of full access to all I/O resources means that everything can go everywhere in the new system, with the unique benefit that all signal paths are automatically time-aligned. This has incredible implications — you can route anything anywhere and never have to worry about routing delays. All sends and busses are automatically realigned with the primary bus, bringing back analog simplicity to parallel routing, with digital simplicity in set up and recall.
While the v.5 Mixer is based upon the Übergraph, it does not require you to interact directly with the Übergraph — all the complexity is managed for you behind the scenes. Rather, the v.5 Mixer manages all of the plug-ins and connections within the Übergraph for you. So, even though you may be creating an incredibly complex network of plug-ins with many mults and bus to bus routes, the user interaction required for you to control the system is simple and direct.

The v.5 Mixer works as complex routing manager, adding plug-ins (including mixer plug-ins) to the Übergraph based upon your configuration commands. Because the +DSP engine automatically configures the runtime environment to compensate for routing latency in the configured DSP graph, you can rely on the fact that bus to bus routes all arrive with no routing latency. This allows you to configure sub-mixes and stems, including sub-bus processing, without having to worry about phase-cancellation problems or other latency related issues.
Simplified Routing
The v.5 Mixer incorporates the MIO patchbay router and FireWire returns directly into the mixer surface. As a result, you simultaneously gain additional routing flexibilty along with ease-of-use. Simply route the signal directly from its origination point in the mixer and Bob’s your uncle!
Author of Logic Pro 8 Power
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Direct Insert of Plug-ins

The Mobile I/O has long supported a growing list of plug-ins with +DSP, but the way that you inserted and routed them could be cumbersome for multi-channel production. With the v.5 Mixer, you can now take advantage of a sophisticated direct insert model. No more cables, +DSP panes, etc. Just insert the plug where you want to process the signal. Done!

Of course, with the +DSP license, you are not limited to simply putting plugs in inserts and simple linear routing of Plug-ins. You can always insert a +DSP graph in any insert in the mixer to add a routing playground, allowing you to split, mult, parallel and feedback signals to your heart’s content. And then you can save the graphs as your own “Secret Weapons” - instantly instantiable with two mouse clicks.
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Multi-Bus Mixing

The v.5 Mixer allows you to create an arbitrary number of busses (limited only by the capabilities of your hardware) — each of which can be used as a master bus (routed to an output) or an aux bus (routed to other busses). Each bus is dynamically adjustable from mono to 7.1 surround. The busses can be mapped directly onto the main control UI or driven by sends. Basically, make the mixer what you need it to be. And multiple busses of multiple types are supported at all sample rates. Unlike some other products on the market, all inputs can be routed to all busses (even mults of any input), so you won’t be limited in what you can mix.

Transparent Recordings
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As we mentioned above, any input can be sent to any bus. Sends are simply inserted in any insert slot, which means that you can send pre or post processing. Each send can be pre or post fader, so it can track the mix of the main UI or it can be used as a completely independent send. Every bus in the system can be returned to any other bus in the system, so you can use the busses as internal auxes, mix-minus feeds, PFL busses, etc. Anything you can think of, you can accomplish with the flexible routing engine in the v.5 Mixer. The v.5 Mixer provides an innovative send window that gives you a consolidated view of all the sends for the selected bus with a full sized fader for the send level, per-bus solos and channel mutes, and support for any width send bus (that’s right — you can send to a surround bus!).

Ultra-Low Latency
One of the primary advantages that dedicated DSP-based systems have traditionally had over native DAWs is their latency performance. Round-trip Latency is how long it takes for a signal sent into the DAW to come back out, and it is a primary consideration for musicians when monitoring their performances. With the Mobile I/O and v.5, you get the best of both worlds — ultra-low latency native performance and even lower dedicated DSP latency performance when you want it!
“…Now, with the 2d upgrades and v.5 Console, with its super efficient, super low latency drivers and drastically reduced internal latency I can do software monitoring from my DAW at latencies that are imperceptible to even the pickiest of my clients. And in the unlikely case that an even pickier customer than I have met so far turns up I am completely confident I can still satisfy his monitoring needs with the new zero-latency internal effects, because, in addition to the already excellent compressors and EQs MIO users have been enjoying for years, the new effects include reverbs and amp simulations that are so spot-on that they hang with any of the dozens of high quality native effects in my arsenal…”
— Dennis GunnIndependent Musician/Producer, Tokyo Japan
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With roundtrips through the computer to utilize native Plug-ins, the combination of the hardware and driver allows the use of extremely small buffers (32 samples) on modern computer hardware. Coupled with the best-in-industry safety buffers of the MIO Driver, you can achieve less than 5ms (4.53ms) Round-Trip latency at 32 samples @ 44.1k, and you can go below 3ms (2.6ms) Round-Trip latency at 32 samples @ 96k, again rivaling the performance of PCI-based solutions, yet with the convenience and portability of FireWire.

And if that performance is not sufficent for your monitoring needs, the 2d Card allows you to monitor through +DSP Plug-ins with an incredible 1.5 ms of latency @ 44.1kHz and less that 0.7 ms of latency at 96k. This gives you dedicated processing at latencies that correspond to less than 2 ft of sound propagation through the air. As good or better than dedicated digital mixers!
“…For my yearly student concert (experimental electronics) I use one 2882 and one ULN2 with a laptop. Together these allow for live playback, sound reinforcement and processing, headphone cues for the performers, and recording. The flexibility and power of the 2d upgrade has made the production of these concerts much easier as I can now off-load processing to the 2d DSP. This increases stability on my rig, significantly lengthens the life of my laptop as it works much, much less now, and allows for latency-free headphone cues and monitoring with reverb…”
— Steve Hilmycomposer, performer, music professor
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Integrated Surround Monitor Controller/Switcher

An exciting new feature included with v.5 is the Monitor Controller. This is a consolidated, configurable routing engine that allows you to easily route and control the output gain of any set of sources to any set of outputs, from mono to 7.1 surround. The monitor controller lets you switch between inputs and busses with a single click. You can also select between outputs (like big and small monitors, or stereo and surround monitors, or monitors and cans), with a single click.

The Monitor Controller is smart enough to automatically route sources to the proper output channels, even mapping between different sized sources and outputs (mono -> stereo, stereo -> 5.1, etc.). All output gains are applied across all the channels of the output path automatically. The Monitor Controller also supports both per-channel and per-path calibration, so you can calibrate your output path to standard monitoring levels (for example, the K-Standard).
“…The Monitor Controller completely negates the need for my existing ‘large knob’ monitor controller (and removes its inferior signal path from between my MIO and speakers)…”
— Brian MonroneyGuitarist/Musical Director for Tom Jones
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“…Another real innovation is how the Console links up with the Monitor Controller. It's so easy to route any of my various mix outputs to the monitor selector, and configure all the available outputs: when I'm recording on location I have to switch frequently between sources and between speakers and headphones and now it happens seamlessly with one click, right in the software…”
— Lolly LewisTransparent Recordings
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Routing of Inputs to Computer
In v.5, all inputs to the computer are FireWire returns; this gives you an incredible amount of flexibility and power in how you can use your MIO. The combination of mixer strip direct outs and FireWire routing allow you to choose the inputs to your computer dynamically:
- Record Pre or Post Processing… or both
- Record full mixes or individual stems
- Use the MIO as an outboard processing rack
- Use the MIO to route signals between any set of CoreAudio applications
- and much more…
Owner, Logic Users Group
Co - Administrator,
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Full Surround Support

Any bus in the v.5 Mixer is adjustable between Mono and 7.1 surround. The mixer dynamically adjusts with context-sensitive panners and allows you to adjust to the needs of your current project. You can even mix in different formats simultaneously. The mixer will even automatically adjust the width of inserted Plug-ins as you adjust the widths of the busses. Coupled with the integrated Surround Monitor Controller/Switcher, the Mobile I/O is the most powerful integrated surround interface on the market. You won’t believe what you can do!

Full and Flexible Metering
v.5 supports user-selectable pre- or post- fader metering on all strips (including sends) as well as hardware metering for hardware I/O. Plug-ins have detailed metering where appropriate. All Metric Halo hardware has real, usable Front Panel meters. We don't skimp on metering. Not that you would expect anything less from the creators of SpectraFoo!
User configuration of strip colors, size and position

Your gear is as personal as the music you make and record. You spend a huge amount of time looking at the mix surface of your system; it should reflect your preferences and tastes. So every strip in the v.5 Mixer can be adjusted in size and color to reflect your mood. You can also use this configurability to organize the mixer in a way that makes sense to you. Color and position can be used to segregate channels by type, source, and function — all in the way that makes the most sense to you. The mixer defaults to a nice, readable, neutral color and size, but you are free to make it as garish as you like.
Incredible Sound
The Mobile I/O interfaces have a deserved reputation in the industry as the best sounding interfaces around. +DSP also enjoys a reputation for incredible sound. The ULN-2 provides preamps that rank amongst the best dedicated pres in the industry and simply kick the crap out of the competition’s integrated preamps. And v.5 just kicks it up a notch or ten. The new mixer expands upon the MIO’s original incredible 80-bit mixer, and provides direct access to the exceptional +DSP Plug-ins, adding new plugs, Character and highlighting the exceptional character of the MIO converters and preamps.
“I’ve been using MIOs for several years now, because the hardware and software have provided not only the cleanest sound I could find but elegance in the execution and simplicity in use.
MIO Console v.5 takes it to a whole ‘nother level. If you can imagine a recording, mixing or processing setup, you can achieve it in minutes. And on top of that, you don’t have to trade sound quality to get the convenience. You get both, big time…”
— Barry Diament
Legendary Recording and Mastering Engineer
Soundkeeper Recordings
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2d Plug-In Bundle

Every 2d Card includes a bundle of essential signal processing Plug-ins that provide production processing for all Mobile I/Os. All 2d bundle Plug-ins operate with zero additional latency, providing professional quality, best-in-industry latency performance for processing with native systems (meeting or beating the latency performance of dedicated hardware Digital Audio Workstations).
The bundle includes:
- Metric Halo’s exclusive Character signal processing available on every channel
- The eagerly anticipated HaloVerb (mono/mono & stereo/stereo)
- MIOStrip — a complete channel strip Plug-in which includes:
- Gate w/side-chain filter
- Compressor w/side-chain filter
- 6-band EQ
- MIODelay — a short time track alignment delay
- M/S Decoder
- Dither
With the 2d Bundle on the 2d Card, you can put a MIOStrip (that’s a Gate, Compressor and EQ) and Character on every input channel, and still have enough DSP power to run two stereo HaloVerbs (or 4 Mono HaloVerbs) at 1x rates.
The bundle is designed to provide all the serious production tools you need. With MIOStrip you have the basic bread-and-butter mixer strip processing required for most production tasks. The MIODelay lets you slip tracks to adjust for acoustic delays between mics, while the M/S Decoder allows you to work just as easily with M/S mic techniques as you can with stereo or mono sources. No professional device would be complete without dither, so we put that in for good measure. And of course, no production mixer would be complete without reverb, so we have included HaloVerb — a simple, but effective reverb with both mono/mono and stereo/stereo flavors.
“The best thing, for me, about MIO Console v.5 with my 2d Expanded ULN-2 is the superior sounding HaloVerb for my flute and EWI performance. Before v.5, I had to send input signal to Plogue Bidule for reverb processing, but of course that increased the latency. Now with v.5 I am latency free with my performance reverb!

The new v.5 Mixer window offers very flexible routing with ease of use. I can add send/return to +DSP very quickly, and the new Send window gives full feedback and control over dry/wet signal. This is like a dream come true…”
— Hiroaki Honshuku
Musician, Flute & EWI
A-NO-NE Music, Boston
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Metric Halo’s Exclusive Character Signal Processing

Every channel in the 2d Mixer, including Bus Masters, has our exclusive Character signal processing available. We took a hard look at the characteristics of the euphonic distortion found in “classic” analog devices and components (like tubes, fets, and transformers) and built a process to integrate that euphonic distortion directly in the Mobile I/O hardware.
Character allows you to turn the pristine ultra-low distortion preamp inputs in the Mobile I/O HW into classic “character” pres. By adding Character to your summing bus, the v.5 Mixer instantly acquires the characteristics of classic (and modern) analog summing busses.
The best part is that you can choose the Character that suits your Mic, Source or mix — because v.5 ships with more than 15 different types of Character — and one is sure to suit your needs.
It is hard to describe the effect of Character in words, but our beta testers have been moved to try. This is what they have to say:
“…The new Character analog hardware emulation Plug-in on each mixer strip is totally addictive. Pure audio crack!…”
— Brian MonroneyGuitarist/Musical Director for Tom Jones
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“…There was a moment when I was tracking some guitar, I switched on some Character Plug-ins on the input and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing — it’s gorgeous… the Character Plug-ins are so cool they have made me stop using some of my outboard gear altogether; yes they are that good…”
— Rico SergeantSinger Songwriter
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“…The new console is absolutely amazing and Character is worth the price of admission alone. It's not an upgrade, it's a rebirth.”
— Marc SchonbrunGuitarist - Author - Music Technology Educator
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“…Character in particular has brought new life to the already exemplary MH preamps by giving them the personalities of my favorite boutique and vintage pres.”
— Don GunnRecording/mixing engineer
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“…My favourite features? Well, the one that jumps out has to be the astonishing sonic choices available through the Character settings. Honestly, most other software companies would launch substantial marketing campaigns around this single feature, it would more than fullfill the needs of many companies to show as a major new product in itself and cause software engineers to deservedly sit back and savour a job well done, and, most significantly, would most certainly come with a very substantial price tag…”
— Mark CahillOwner, Logic Users Group
Co - Administrator,
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“…Character emulation adds a full microphone cabinet to features already contained in an easily transportable 1U package…”
— Christopher JonesLive Audio Archivist
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“…In a mixing environment, I have found no better mixer than the new v.5 Console to take my DAW outputs to new levels of clarity and life. With the Character processing added to the extremely flexible routing and the new macro inserts, mixes have now moved way beyond the sonic possibilities of the standard DAWs output. The v.5 Mixer bus summing far exceeds that of any DAW available…”
— Michael RomanowskiMastering and Recording Engineer
Michael Romanowski Mastering
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“…The Character emulations of preamp characteristics sounds great, and gives me the sound of my vintage studio gear when I am traveling to do location recordings…”
— Erlend MyrstadEngineer / Producer
Atlantis Audio
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“…Best of all, Character options can subtly and magically color sounds, selectively adding the desireable qualities of tubes, transformers or transistors without their negative characteristics (noise, circuit design variables, part variance, etc.)…”
— Dave DavisMedia Designer & Mastering Engineer
Sound Images
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“…The plug-ins provide everything I need in the mastering room. Character lets you add color as desired and for those jobs where only a pristine path will do, I’ll take v.5 over any other option on the market…”
— Barry Diament
Legendary Recording and Mastering Engineer
Soundkeeper Recordings
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Software Field Upgradable to +DSP

While the 2d Card includes the basic processing bundle with every card, you can add a +DSP license to your box at any time. Adding a +DSP license will allow you to take advantage of the greatly increased processing power of the new DSP and the ease of inserting Plug-ins directly into mixer channels. If your unit is already a +DSP unit, then you already have a +DSP license. But if your unit doesn't already include +DSP, you can add a license without any additional physical changes to your hardware.

The +DSP license includes a variety of additional Plug-ins including Multi-band EQs, Compressor, Limiter, Distortion Processors, and many more. With the +DSP license, you also gain access to insertable graphs which allow you to build your own “Secret Weapon” processors — wrapped up, phase compensated graphs of Plug-ins that may be re-inserted on demand.

“…Being able to use my own custom-built DSP environments, as an insert or send, anywhere in my signal chain, is beyond ridiculous.”
— John McCaigMastering Engineer
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“…In the studio, the new architecture connects my +DSP patches to any and all applications and hardware in new ways…”
— Dave DavisMedia Designer & Mastering Engineer
Sound Images
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Finally, the +DSP license adds many bonus Plug-in Macros — insertable, pre-configured processors, including Guitar Amp Models, Guitar Processors, Parallel Compressors and Limiters, Mid/Side Mastering processors, Vintage-style reverbs and many more…
“There are numerous new features that I'm excited about… Did I mention HaloVerb? Or the amp simulations? I have now switched almost entirely to summing my DP 5 projects in the MIO’s DSP mixer (it just sounds so damn good, combined with the great MIO EQ and dynamics Plug-ins)…”
— Brian MonroneyGuitarist/Musical Director for Tom Jones
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Use the following table to see the differences between the plugins included with the 2d Card and the additional plugins and macros that you get with the +DSP bundle:
Feature | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Character (22 types) | √ | √ |
Mutlibus Mixer | √ | √ |
Surround Support | √ | √ |
Monitor Controller | √ | √ |
MIOStrip | √ | √ |
M/S Decoder | √ | √ |
Short Delay | √ | √ |
Dither | √ | √ |
HaloVerb | √ | √ |
MIO EQ 6 | √ | |
MIO EQ 12 | √ | |
MIO State Variable Filter | √ | |
MIO Comp | √ | |
MIO Limit | √ | |
Delays Family(15 plugins) | √ | |
MIO Simple Pitch Shifter | √ | |
Allpass filters (2 plugins) | √ | |
MIO Soft Clip Family (3 plugins) | √ | |
MIO Nonlinear Map Family (4 plugins) | √ | |
MIO Volume Control Family (16 plugins) | √ | |
MIO A/B Switch Family (16 plugins) | √ | |
MIO M/S Processor | √ | |
Static Matrix Family (5 plugins) | √ | |
Channel op Family (5 plugins) | √ | |
Oscillator Family (6 plugins) | √ | |
MIO Mod Delay | √ | |
Insertable Graphs (infinite possibilites) | √ | |
2d Amps | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Bass Head | √ | |
Bass Head Shape 1 | √ | |
Bass Head Shape 2 | √ | |
British Mil Spec | √ | |
British Mil Spec Bright Cab | √ | |
British Mil Spec Grind | √ | |
British Mil Spec Light Grind | √ | |
British Mil Spec Rhythm | √ | |
British Mil Spec+Vibrato+Trem | √ | |
MH Clean | √ | |
MH Clean Tweed | √ | |
MH Hi-Gain | √ | |
Small Dark | √ | |
Small Dark No Cab | √ | |
Small Tweed Crunch | √ | |
Small Tweed Touch O' Dirt | √ | |
2d Effects | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Autoflanger | √ | |
Autoflanger 2 | √ | |
Autoflanger 3 | √ | |
Cool Mono Echo | √ | |
LoFi Mod Echo | √ | |
Mono Rotary | √ | |
Slap Delay | √ | |
Vibrato+Tremolo | √ | |
Stereo Rotary Speaker | √ | |
2d Reverbs | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Diffuse Prime | √ | |
Diffuse Room | √ | |
Early Diffuse Room (no tail) | √ | |
Hall 1 | √ | |
LongVerb | √ | |
Med Diffuse Room | √ | |
ModVerb | √ | |
Small Diffuse Room | √ | |
2d Mastering | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Parallel Compressor | √ | |
Parallel Limiter | √ | |
Mid-Side Compressor | √ | |
Mid-Side EQ | √ | |
Mid-Side Limit | √ | |
Stereo Parallel Limiter | √ | |
2d Pedals | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Nezumi | √ | |
Nezumi Less Gain | √ | |
Screamer | √ | |
Cabinets | 2d Card | 2d Card +DSP |
Closed 2x12 | √ | |
Closed 2x12 with Air | √ | |
4x12 Cab | √ |
System-wide +DSP Licensing

MIO Console v.5 automatically extends any +DSP license on any attached box to all the boxes attached to your system (for boxes that are 2d Expanded) while the boxes are attached. What this means is that you can use any +DSP Plug-in or macro on any box in your system, as long as at least one +DSP licensed box is attached. If you need to store +DSP Plug-ins in persistent states or tend to split your boxes into multiple systems, you will need to license each box that needs to use the +DSP license independently.
Many templates included to get you started quickly

In the past, one challenge for new MIO users has been figuring out how to utilize the power and tame the complexity of the MIO Console. The v.5 MIO Console takes care of the complexity. It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, a template is worth 10,000 words. MIO Console v.5 ships with a collection of preconfigured templates to get you started quickly. The templates also supply a great starting point to see how to approach a problem, and also to just see what is possible.
You can access these templates with a single click in MIO Console:

“…I am totally amazed by the new capabilities this brings, it’s so flexible it makes my head spin just thinking about all the possibilities, but even with all this depth it's so easy to just start working with it, the templates are really fantastic — Metric Halo you have done it again; You have set the new standard — there is nothing that even comes close…”
— Rico SergeantSinger Songwriter
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Updated Record Panel
Originally designed to record the Soulive Winter 2002 tour for their live album release “Soulive” on Blue Note records, the Record Panel is an industrial strength, massively multichannel, ultra-reliable recording engine. Supporting multibox, multichannel recording, the Mobile I/O coupled with the Record Panel is the only computer-based system that can record up to 108 channels on a laptop.

In constant use by thousands of engineers world-wide, the Record Panel is a time-tested, rock-solid recording tool for when you just have to get the take. The prime choice of many A-list FOH/Recording engineers for capturing once-in-a-lifetime live recordings on tour, the RP has proven to be a reliable tool for the capture of multitrack recordings in challenging conditions with no chance for a second take. The Record Panel has also found a home in the Classical recording world — again, where failing to get a take is not an option!
“…An added bonus is I can record my performance by just clicking on the rec button on the Mix Channel Strip, which is directly connected to my beloved Record Panel!…”
— Hiroaki HonshukuMusician, Flute & EWI
A-NO-NE Music, Boston
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“…I now rely exclusively on my Metric Halo interfaces for all aspects of my recording and mixing needs. When I'm recording sound effects in surround on location, I have a beautifully transparent set of pre-amps and a superb multi-track recorder and with the new v.5 software and 2d Card upgrade, I can produce stunning-sounding mixes wherever my work takes me…”
— John LeonardTheatre Sound & Show Control
Sound & Show Control
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The Record Panel supports recording at all sample rates and supports many different record-file formats (including SD2, AIFF, Wave, Broadcast Wave, and CAF), including basic recording metadata. The RP even supports recording at 16-bit for reduced disk space requirements (for recordings that don't require ultimate fidelity).
“I never go on tour without my Metric Halo MIO 2882+DSP. It has been my secret weapon when it comes to recording (using the Record Panel), playback and sound system analysis for the better part of 8 years…”
— Philip J HarveyPilotLight Audio Inc.
FOH The White Stripes, The Raconteurs
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“…In combination with my MIO, the v.5 Console’s Record Panel is my favorite way to capture audio.
The Mixer, the Monitor Controller, the DSP, the Record Panel, oh my. The folks at Metric Halo have achievements they can be quite proud of…”
— Barry Diament
Legendary Recording and Mastering Engineer
Soundkeeper Recordings
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The v.5 Console enhances the rock-solid performance of the Record Panel with new work-flow features, including configuration of active tracks, ordering of tracks, record-enables directly from the mixer control surface, and enhancements to playback performance.
Sophisticated State Management

MIO Console automatically tracks all the system configuration documents that you create and use, so you can switch between configurations with a single click. This is excellent for when you have your MIO connected to your computer, but what if you want to use your MIO without your computer say as a standalone converter, signal processor or mixer?
All Mobile I/O hardware has support for setting a Boot State — the configuration the hardware will use when the unit boots up. As of v.5 of the Mobile I/O software, this boot state includes the entire state of the unit including the configuration of the mixer, the router, sample rate, clocking, analog I/O levels (for HW that has digital control), and +DSP configuration.
The ULN-2 extends this functionality and provides support for 10 different hardware states that are all accessible from the front panel.
This functionality allows you to fully configure your hardware and “pour” a complete digital signal processing engine into the HW for instant-on processing. With this functionality, you can turn your MIO into any stand-alone effects processor you can imagine. This is perfect for installation and live theater as well as remote recording and even upgrading your living room listening rig!
Metric Halo’s exclusive ConsoleConnect Plug-in allows you to work with your MIO as if it were a part of your DAW or Host of choice. Whether you work in Logic, Nuendo, Cubase, Pro Tools, Digital Performer, GarageBand, Live or any other AU, VST or RTAS host, you can interact with MIO Console directly from within your host, and enjoy Total Recall of all your MIO configuration (Analog Levels, Routing, Mixing, Plug-ins, Monitor Control, etc.) directly from your host application’s session. No other product has integration this complete, and no other product on the market integrates with every host!

“…Along with the remote classical work I also do a number of production projects in Logic Pro and Pro Tools, and the ConsoleConnect feature has been such a tremendous asset, enabling the use of Metric Halo’s fabulous sounding plug-ins within a host DAW.”
— Scott MetcalfeRecording Engineer, Mind's Ear
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Full Support at All Sample Rates
The 2d Card and v.5 support all features at all sample rates, so you are good to go at 96k. Multiple busses, Plug-ins, reverb, etc. — whatever you want to do, it works at all sample rates.
Rock Solid & Road Tested
The v.5 Console and 2d Card has just completed an extensive beta testing cycle; with almost 200 cards in the program and 6 months of extensive testing in all kinds of production environments, you can be sure that the software and hardware is rock solid and ready to go to work. In the words of one of our beta testers: “Honestly, I’ve seen many released packages that were a lot less advanced and stable than this beta. Ship It!”“…I have been running the 2d in the my 2882’s for many months on front line projects and not once has one been interrupted by an issue — a faultless performance!
So all my projects over the past 12 months are 2d projects and this includes the Opening Ceremony of the Tour de France in London last June — televised round the world, and I did the official music for the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay in the UK…”
— Julian ScottComposer and Engineer,
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No Box Left Behind
Metric Halo prides itself on providing value to our customers and ensuring that no one is left behind as we continue to enhance our products. We think that the 2d Card is a no-brainer, must-have upgrade for any Mobile I/O owner, but if you aren't ready to upgrade or need to upgrade multiple boxes over time, you’ll be happy to know that v.5 provides full support for Mobile I/O units that have not been upgraded, and even supports mixed systems with both Upgraded and Legacy boxes.
MIO Console v.5 has hundreds of new features for the 2d Card, and hundreds of bug-fixes and workflow enhancements that apply to all Mobile I/Os — upgraded or not! In addition to the 2d Card specific features that we have added to MIO Console v.5, we have also added some new features specifically for Legacy Boxes:
- HaloVerb for +DSP units!
- Recent Items menu for quick access to working configurations
- Brand new persistent state management system (for both legacy units and expanded units)
- Complete system state storage and recall:
- Mixer Configuration
- Analog I/O Levels
- Routing
- Plug-ins
- +DSP
- Boot state and alternate state on 2882
- 10 Front Panel Snapshot states on ULN-2
- Pourable Processing — unique multichannel DSP hardware configuration
- Complete system state storage and recall:
How to Get It

If you just want to add HaloVerb to your +DSP or update to v.5, simply download the software, available FREE from Metric Halo.
“If you’re an existing MIO owner and on the fence about upgrading, don't think, just pull out the plastic and do it - there is something here for everyone, whether you use it for live performance, studio recording and production, mastering, theater sound, whatever…”
— Brian MonroneyGuitarist/Musical Director for Tom Jones
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If you want to upgrade your existing Mobile I/O to a 2d Expanded unit, we strongly recommend taking advantage of our Factory Install service: You ship your unit back to Metric Halo, and we will install the 2d Card in your box, install the firmware, test everything, apply any factory updates to your unit and ensure that your box is operating at factory spec.
The 2d Card with Factory Install service is:
- $489+shipping for a 2882 or 2882+DSP — Order Now!
- $639+shipping for a ULN-2 or ULN-2+DSP — Order Now!
If you purchased your legacy Mobile I/O after 9/1/2007, we will waive the $89 factory install fee through 8/1/08, and you will just be responsible for the cost of the 2d Card + shipping.
The factory install service is available from Metric Halo in the US, and from our distributors in other territories.
Distributor | Territory |
Audio Chocolate | Austraila |
Media Integration | Japan |
Metric Halo Deutschland | Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Spain |
Futureware ApS | Denmark/Sweden/Finland/Norway/Iceland |
RSL Europe BV | Benelux |
Athens Pro Audio | Greece |
SVC London | United Kingdom |
HHB Communications Canada | Canada |
If you are a very technically inclined user, you can do your own field upgrade of your unit, but please be aware that it is a somewhat complex install, and that field installs do not carry a factory warranty for the 2d Card. Before choosing to do the field install, please watch the instructional video for your unit type:
- Streaming Videos:
- Download Videos:
If you don’t already have a Mobile I/O, or you wish to purchase additional units, all Mobile I/Os now ship with the 2d Card pre-installed. So, contact your local dealer or distributor, or order direct from Metric Halo!