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Main FAQ


If you want to open a new support incident, please use the "open ticket" form below to open a new ticket. Otherwise if you would like to view the status of an existing ticket, enter your details in the "view status" form at the bottom of this page.

Before submitting a question to support, you should check to see if the question is already answered in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) system. Why check the FAQ first? If your question is answered in the FAQ, you will have your answer immediately, without having to wait for a response from our support personnel. Since the FAQ is available 24/7, this can save you quite a bit of time.

In addition, if you do not find the answer to your question on the FAQ, but believe that it is generally applicable, you can submit your question to support through the FAQ system; this will allow support to provide you with a priority answer directly, but also have your question framed for inclusion in the FAQ. Rest assured that all questions submitted to the FAQ are also sent directly to support and will open a new ticket for you.

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